Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Death Of Vinyl!(?) - #366

The Death Of Vinyl!(?) 

A few days ago, I saw this ad in a music magazine. Titled "The Death Of Vinyl!" and I went, oh no, not again. Some folks once again pretending to have the answers to all of our problems in their hands, while all they really want is a bigger slice of the cake. I quite clearly remember the guys from Austria who made a claim about their HD vinyl, which, at that stage, was still unborn. And the claims were ridiculous and at least it was clear to me, that this was going to be a failure. I hate it when I'm being proved right (or so it goes), but I was correct from the start. After a few updates which led to nowhere and burning a few millions, they called it a day a few years later and filed for bankruptcy. A shame really, that I didn't place a bet on it.

And now this outfit, claiming to press their records (mind you, limited numbered prototype pressings only) with a sugarcane material. I know of the PVC environmental problems with records since last year only. I had no idea. But really folks, I can't imagine this stuff ending up in a river or the sea or even some landfill (if the latter way of disposing still exists). What gets me here is the blatant way of trying to cash in on a real problem (same with TV ads for washing powder and the like, who claim if you're buying their product, you'll be the savious of the world). Spoiler: You're not, you're part of the problem. We all are.

Oh, and these are biodiscs! But truth be told, if you want to do something for the environment, there are much better ways to care for nature. You don't have to stuff the pockets of some outfit with cash, because of their ridiculous claims. And an ad that repeats itself throughout the one page several times, has lost all credibility with me anyway. And now for the most important question, how long do we give them before they fold their world saving operation. My money is on those four records and that's when it's back to normal procedure. 

Thank you for a laugh!



P.S.: And using food to waste on luxury product is not environmentally good. Not for records, not for fuel, not for anything that's made out of foodstuff except food.

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