Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wilko Johnson – Walking On The Edge - #49

Wilko Johnson – Walking On The Edge

This one is not exactly strange, just a bit unusual due to the fact that the French release has a different coloration as well as fonts not found on other releases of this single. I don’t know what the problem is with this one, but I haven’t seen another copy since I got mine a couple of years ago. It’s not that I really need a go at another one, but it’s interesting to see, that even though one is trying to dig a copy up, this is futile.

U.K. Release

French Release

Now, if(!) a copy would turn up for sale, I wouldn’t expect it to go much higher than a standard stock copy from the U.K., that is to say, you’ll get enough change from tenner to buy you an espresso and a croissant at your local coffee bar. I’m just wondering, what have the French done with all the copies that surely must have been on the market there?



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