Wednesday, March 21, 2012

John Blaney - A Howlin' Wind (Book) - #73

John Blaney - A Howlin' Wind (Book)

This book here, subtitled "Pub Rock And The Birth Of New Wave", found its way into my letterbox today. Of course, I haven't read it yet, but checking the index reveals a lot of references to Dr Feelgood or Wilko Johnson (plus a host of other bands/musicians from the pubrock era). I believe, except the few well known books (Will Birch for one) regarding this topic, there's not much more on the market.

These are around 350 pages in the form of a paperback, with just a few pictures thrown in. Released by soundcheck books. I've no idea about the general price, although my copy did cost me the equivalent of around EUR 22.00, which I consider good value.



1 comment:

  1. Hello, I'm Phil publisher at Soundcheck Books. John's book retails in the UK at 14.99,sterling, though a lot of people are discounting, of course. Be good to know what you think of the book. All the best. Phil
